
In 2008, the District entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV, Superfund Division, which outlines a cooperative relationship and protocol for sharing information when the District is reviewing permit applications for activity near selected Superfund sites. The MOA enables each agency to implement their respective regulatory practices in a manner that best minimizes the potential for ground water contamination impacts in areas that are or could be affected by a Superfund site. The District anticipates that this will occur most often in the context of reviewing applications for well construction permits. Information concerning groundwater contamination plumes and buffer areas for the selected sites will be developed by EPA and provided to the District which will make it available to the public on the District’s website. Persons interested in applying for District permits for activities located near the selected sites will be able to view the affected areas and thereby avoid activities that could potentially cause contaminants to spread. The proposed rule amendment will incorporate by reference a revised MOA appendix listing the affected sites, which will include the Alaric Area Groundwater Plume, Helena Chemical Company and Stauffer Chemical Company Combined Superfund Site located in Hillsborough County.