
The proposed amendments update adopted versions of ASTM International Designations and outdated references to Rule Chapters 5F-2 and 5F-10 with correct references to 5J-22.001 and 5J-22.002, F.A.C.; adjust standards and labeling requirements for diesel and alternative fuels, modify allowable levels of methanol, butanol and MTBE in gasoline and gasoline blends and harmonize the allowable level of water in petroleum storage tanks with the NCWM nationally adopted standard. Eliminate unnecessary form numbers, clarify the minimum size for prices posted on roadside signs, clarify reporting and sealing iron requirements for registered meter mechanics and service agencies, add Tier I and Tier II language to the minor and major violation designations to harmonize with other bureau programs and rules, update, modernize, clarify and remove unnecessary and duplicative language and requirements throughout the rule chapter.