The alligator snapping turtle (Macrochelys temminckii) was listed as a Species of Special Concern in 1985. At that time, it was believed that all alligator snapping turtles in Florida were of this one species. Recent research has shown that the alligator snapping turtles in Florida are of three different species, with the scientific names M. apalachicolae, M. suwanniensis, and M. temminckii. Since the intent of the rule was to include all alligator snapping turtles in Florida, we are revising the scientific name for alligator snapping turtles in the rule to “Macrochelys spp.” to make the rule consistent with this recent change in scientific findings and resulting nomenclature. The revision clarifies that all species in the alligator snapping turtle genus Macrochelys are included in the rule.