
This meeting will be the first in a series of Bond Team meetings to be conducted on a regular, weekly basis. The purpose of these meetings is to allow members of the Bond Team, as established through the Financing Order issued in this docket, to work cooperatively to establish the structuring, marketing, and pricing of storm-recovery bonds. As set forth in the Financing Order, a designated Commissioner is permitted to participate, at his discretion, as a member of the Bond Team. Thus, the designated Commissioner may be present at any one or all of these meetings. Unless otherwise provided by notice, subsequent meetings in this series will be conducted on a regular, weekly basis each Wednesday afternoon, beginning on the date shown above, at 1:00 p.m., at the location set forth above. It is not known at this time when this series of meetings will terminate; this series of meetings will be conducted until such time as storm-recovery bonds have been issued or until the Bond Team determines that such meetings are no longer necessary. Notice will be provided when it is known that this series of meetings will be terminated. Due to time constraints inherent in the process of structuring, marketing, and pricing these bonds, supplemental meetings might be needed and scheduled on an expedited basis. Notice of such supplemental meetings, if any are scheduled, will be provided by reasonable means.