
Since 2013, the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council and Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council have made several modifications to the management of the commercial king mackerel fishery in federal waters adjacent to Florida that resulted in different regulations for adjacent state and federal waters. The proposed state rule changes are consistent with recent changes in adjacent federal waters. Specifically, these changes would clarify existing rule language that closes state waters of the Atlantic fishery to commercial king mackerel harvest when adjacent federal waters are closed. The proposed rule amendment would also eliminate unnecessary language specifying commercial fishing seasons for king mackerel in the Atlantic fishery. This rule was originally intended to give the Commission the ability to close state waters to commercial harvest of these species when adjacent federal waters were closed due to federal quotas being met or exceeded. However, state rules that specify commercial fishing seasons for king mackerel are no longer necessary to enforce commercial closures and can be removed. Florida’s king mackerel regulations for the Atlantic fishery (68B-30, FAC) now require commercial fishermen harvesting king mackerel to abide by federal season closures in adjacent state waters, so listing these commercial fishing seasons in state rules is no longer necessary. Finally, the proposed rule amendment would create a reference in existing state king mackerel rule to proposed rules in 68B-2, FAC establishing a mackerel tournament permit. This permit would meet federal requirements for king and Spanish mackerel tournaments that donate tournament-caught king and Spanish mackerel to wholesale dealers, who then sell the fish and give the proceeds to a charity on the tournament’s behalf. The effect of these rule changes is that commercial king mackerel transit allowances and closures are consistent in adjacent state and federal waters off Florida’s east coast. Removal of unnecessary and confusing language will make commercial regulations easier to understand. These changes will improve enforceability of state rules and provide flexibility for fishermen operating in multiple regions and reduces the likelihood of early season closures in some regions. Also, mackerel tournament permit regulations would be referenced in relevant state mackerel regulations, and thus would be easier for the public to find.