
Approval of the proposed rules listed below. 12E-1.008 Determination of Cooperation; Determination of Noncooperation; Determination of Good Cause 12E-1.011 Lottery Intercept 12E-1.014 Internal Revenue Service Tax Refund Offset Program; Passport Denial; Internal Revenue Service Full Collection Services Rule 12E-1.030 Administrative Establishment of Child Support Obligations. Rule 12E-1.036 Administrative Establishment of Paternity and Support Obligations. Notices of Proposed Rules were published for Rules 12E-1.008, 12E-1.011, 12E-1.014, 12E-1.030 and 12E-1.036 in the June 18, 2018 (Vol. 44, No. 118, pp. 2806-2807), issue of the Florida Administrative Register. A Notice of Change to Rule 12E-1.011 was published in the July 24, 2018 (Vol. 44. No. 143, pp. 3445) Florida Administrative Register, to address comments from the staff of the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee.