
This rule currently prohibits take and possession of the gopher tortoise which is also outlined in Rule 68A-27.003 F.A.C.. It also currently prohibits the possession of painted turtles but not the act of painting the turtle itself. The revised rule will remove language that is already found in other rules and will prohibit the painting of any turtle or tortoise. This rule also prohibits the take of the four non-listed reptiles: the Lower Keys populations of the peninsula ribbon snake, red rat snake, and striped mud turtle; and the Suwannee cooter, except as authorized by permit from the executive director as provided in Rule 68A-9.002. The revised rule will clarify that take of these species is prohibited unless permitted, except as authorized in Commission approved guidelines. At the July 23, 2020 meeting, the Commission reviewed and approved these rule changes for the gopher tortoise and incorporation of guidelines for the four non-listed reptiles. The intent of this rule revision is to incorporate these guidelines into 68A-25.002 by reference and hyperlink.