The Agency is hosting a working group meeting regarding transition to a prospective payment system for nursing home reimbursement under the Florida Medicaid program.
The 2017 Legislature required the Agency to convene a working group to review relevant issues and make recommendations specific to the transition to a prospective payment system for nursing home reimbursement under the Florida Medicaid program. The group shall consist of representatives of nursing home providers and other interested stakeholders. The working group’s focus shall include, but not be limited to: any adjustments needed to existing targets and ceilings applicable to rate calculations; any adjustments needed to existing direct care and indirect care subcomponents; development and refinement of quality measures to be used; the frequency of rebasing under prospective payments; any exemptions from prospective payments; considerations for supplemental payments as part of prospective payments; and a phase-in timeline, if needed, including the need for any transition payments during phase-in. The working group shall submit a report and any recommendations to the Agency, the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by December 1, 2017.
You can access information and details about the nursing home prospective payment reimbursement public meetings, including schedules for upcoming meetings, and meeting agenda materials and recordings, through our website: