
SUS Response to the Governor's "Accelerate Florida: Extending Florida's Economic Horizons" economic stimulus plan; Approve 2009-2010 SUS Fixed Capital Outlay Legislative Budget Request; Approve Notice of Intent to Amend BOG Regulation 14.055, Certification and Competitive Selection for Construction Management Services and Design-Build Services; Approve 2008-2009 SUS Operating Budgets; Follow-up on 2008-2009 utility increases and university energy efficiencies; Approve Notice of Intent to Amend BOG Regulation 9.013, Auxiliary Operations; Final adoption of BOG Regulations on tuition and fees: 7.001, Tuition and Associated Fees; 7.002, Tuition and Fee Assessment, Collection, Accounting and Remittance; 7.003, Fees, Fines and Penalties; 7.008, Waiver of Tuition and Fees; 7.004, Deferred Payment of Fees; 7.015, Florida National Guard Educational Assistance Program; Review, Florida Center for Library Automation; Update, University Compacts; Status Report, Johnie B. Byrd, Sr., Alzheimer's Center and Research Institute, Inc.; Approval, Amended BOG Regulation 10.001, Self-Insurance Programs; Presentation, USF research; and other matters pertaining to the Board of Governors.