
The Southwest Florida Water Management District’s Water Use Permit (WUP) rules are being revised in association with the District’s ongoing development, implementation and refinement of its comprehensive electronic permitting and information system known as the Water Management Information System or WMIS. As part of this overall effort, proposed amendments to Chapter 40D-2, F.A.C., and the District’s Water Use Permit Information Manual Part B, Basis of Review, are intended to refine the permit category now informally known as “Small General” WUPs and to incorporate the term, “Small General,” into existing rules. Additional amendments are also proposed for Chapter 40D-1, F.A.C., as part of this effort. The overall purpose of this rulemaking is to re-define the Small General WUP category based upon minimal risk to the water resource for most water demands of less than 100,000 gallons per day, and to reduce where appropriate the level of information required to be submitted in support of applications for and compliance monitoring of Small General WUPs. The effect of this rulemaking package will be to limit the types of permits appropriate for the Small General permit category to those water uses that do not require significant evaluation or monitoring due to little-to-no risk of adverse impacts. Some additional amendments not specifically limited to Small General WUPs are also proposed at this time for clarification purposes. The effect of these clarifying amendments will be to make existing WUP rules, practices and forms more consistent.