
Additional workshop regarding amendments to the year-round landscape irrigation conservation measures in Rules 40E-2.051, 40E-2.061, 40E-2.091, 40E-2.331, 40E-24.011, 40E-24.101, 40E-24.201, 40E-24.301, 40E-24.401, 40E-24.501, 40E-20.091 and 40E-20.331, F.A.C. District staff is proposing to amend the landscape irrigation measures currently in place in Lee, Collier and portions of Charlotte County and to expand those conservation measures throughout the region of the South Florida Water Management District. District staff is also proposing to adopt amendments to create a general permit by rule for landscape irrigation use and to allow modification of such a permit that does not allow more cumulative days and time to conduct landscape irrigation than those provided under Chapter 40E-24, F.A.C. Lastly, the District is proposing to adopt amendments to the water conservation measures in the “Basis of Review for Water Use Permit Applications within the South Florida Water Management District” to be consistent with the landscape irrigation conservation measures set forth in Chapter 40E-24, F.A.C. The latest revision to the rule text will be posted on the District’s website at one week prior to the workshop.