
The proposed rule title is changed from “Special Programs for Students Who Are Mentally Handicapped” to “Exceptional Student Education Eligibility for Students with Intellectual Disabilities.” Additionally, the proposed rule revision combines the currently established distinct eligibility categories of educable mentally handicapped, trainable mentally handicapped, and profoundly mentally handicapped into the single category of “intellectual disabilities.” This change will encourage schools to focus on the individual strengths and needs of the student while diminishing the effect the student’s “label” may have on educational decisions. Clarification of the definition of “developmental period” (prior to age 18) and “significantly below average” performance in the areas of intellectual and adaptive functioning and academic achievement is provided. This change is consistent with the currently accepted terminology and practice and conforms the rule language to statutory changes made to Section 1003.01, F.S.,”Definitions,” during the 2008 legislative session.