
The purpose of these proposed rule changes is to set forth uniform procedures for hearings before value adjustment boards and their magistrates; and, to consider uniform forms related to these procedures. A preliminary text is currently available on the Department’s website at http://dor.myflorida.com/dor/property/vabwb/vabrules.html. A revised version, which will be the subject of these workshops, will be posted on or about October 6, 2008 at the same website address or from the contact person listed below. General comments, questions, or suggestions about the value adjustment board process may be submitted to the Department at VAB@dor.state.fl.us. The effect of these proposed rule changes is to set forth clear, equitable, and uniform procedures for taxpayers who petition property tax matters to Value Adjustment Boards, including property tax assessments, denials of classifications, and denials of exemptions.