
NOTICE OF INTENDED ACTION AND AUTHORITY: ECFRPC staff will seek Council approval to formally adopt the East Central Florida 2060 Strategic Regional Policy Plan (the “2060 Plan”) pursuant to Florida Statutes §§ 120.54, 186.505, 186.507, 186.508(1), and 186.511, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 27E-5. PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF THE PROPOSED ACTION: The goals and policies within the 2060 Plan are intended to inform and guide local decision making in Brevard, Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole, and Volusia Counties in a manner that leads toward implementation of the Central Florida Regional Vision--a future with less sprawl endorsed and/or adopted by representatives of all 93 communities that participated in an eighteen month regional visioning process involving approximately 20,000 citizens. The 2060 Plan is not mandatory, but allows local governments flexibility in implementation.