
Pursuant to Section 286.011(8), Florida Statutes, and at the request of legal counsel, a litigation shade meeting attorney client session will be held during the regular meeting of the Governing Board of the St. Johns River Water Management District, to discuss settlement negotiations or strategy sessions related to litigation expenditures in Estate of Coy A. Koontz v. St. Johns River Water Management District, Case No. 94-CA-5673 in the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit, Orange County, Florida. The following persons will be entitled to attend this session: a certified court reporter; Board Members John Miklos, Fred Roberts Jr., Charles Drake, Carla Yetter, Douglas Bournique, John Browning, Douglas Burnett, Maryam Ghyabi, and Ron Howse; District Executive Director Dr. Ann Shortelle; and District General Counsel William Congdon. The entire session will be recorded by a certified court reporter. The reporter will record the times of commencement and termination of the session, all discussion and proceedings, the names of all persons present at any time, and the names of all persons speaking. No portion of the session shall be off the record. The court reporter’s notes shall be fully transcribed and filed with the entity’s clerk within a reasonable time after the meeting. The transcript shall be made part of the public record upon conclusion of the litigation. The regular meeting of the Governing Board of the St. Johns River Water Management District will be convened in public and at some point, the public portion will be recessed for the attorney-client session. At the conclusion of the attorney-client session, the public meeting will be reconvened, at which time the Governing Board will provide direction on how to proceed.