
Consistent with Senate Bill 1108 which passed during the 2021 legislative session, the proposed rule amendment will update the current rule to specify that both an assessment and a course are required to meet the civic literacy competency requirements. In addition to the list of currently approved assessments in rule, which are AP Government and Politics: United States, AP United States History and CLEP: American Government, the Florida Civic Literacy Examination will be added as a low-cost option. The amendment also specifies that high school students who take the U.S. Government course and pass the Florida Civic Literacy Examination will have met the postsecondary civic literacy assessment requirement. Additionally, the amendment specifies that students must be provided opportunities to engage synchronously in political discussions. Lastly, the amendment allows credit earned through articulated acceleration mechanisms to count toward the course requirement and the assessment requirement, if the assessment is identified in rule. All FCS institutions will be affected by the rule amendment. The effect of this amendment will require colleges to modify their policies, procedures, advising practices and catalogs regarding the new civic literacy requirements.