
Scott Burns, Director, Water Supply Policy Implementation, South Florida Water Management District, Post Office Box 24680, West Palm Beach, FL 33416 4680, telephone 1(800)432-2045, extension 6817 or (561)682-6817, email:, or Cecile Piverotto, Senior Specialist Attorney, Office of Counsel, South Florida Water Management District, Post Office Box 24680, West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680, telephone 1(800)432-2045, extension 6343 or (561)682-6343, email: For procedural issues, Jan Sluth, Paralegal, South Florida Water Management District, Post Office Box 24680, West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680, 1(800)432-2045, extension 6299, or (561)682-6299, email: THE PRELIMINARY PROPOSED RULE TEXT WILL BE AVAILABLE ON SEPTEMBER 29, 2006 on the District’s Water Use Regulation website at: http://www.sfwmd. gov/org/wsd/wateruse/wu_availailityrule.html or the District’s permitting website at: Once you access this page, click on “rule development” located on the right hand side of the page then LEC Regional Water Availability. For those without internet access, a copy may also be obtained by contacting Jan Sluth at the address, phone or email address provided above.