Amendments to Rules 12-25.0305, 12-25.041, 12-25.045, and 12-25.050, F.A.C., are intended to provide clarification of the current rule text and to conform with revisions made to other rules within Part II of Chapter 12-25. Revisions to Rules 12-25.031, 12-25.037, 12-25.047, and 12-25.048, F.A.C., resulted in substantial rewording of the rule due to simplifying the rule, combing two rules, restructuring of the rule, or all three; Rules 12-25.037 and 12-25.047, F.A.C., incorporate two existing forms which have been substantially revised, Form DR-342000 (Request to Conduct a Certified Audit) and Form DR-344000 (Certified Audit Program Pre-Audit Analysis), respectively. Rules 12-25.038 and 12-25.049, F.A.C., are proposed for repeal as these rules are obsolete. Rules 12-25.039 and 12-25.042, F.A.C., are proposed for repeal as the content of these rules were incorporated into one or more of the rules proposed for revisions. Rules 12-25.033 and 12-25.035, F.A.C., are proposed for repeal as the current rules do not meet the requirements of general applicability and are obsolete. Proposed amendments also remove the option of visiting local service centers to obtain copies of Departmental forms. Forms are currently available on the Department’s website and may also be obtained by calling or writing the Department.