The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, in conjunction with the Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment Florida Trustee Implementation Group, will be hosting a public webinar to present details on the proposed Draft Restoration Plan 1 and Environmental Assessment: Habitat Projects on Federally Managed Lands; Nutrient Reduction; Water Quality; and Provide and Enhance Recreational Opportunities. The public webinar will begin with a “virtual open house" where the public can ask questions, followed by the "virtual comment process” for the public to provide comments on the draft plan. The draft restoration plan proposes 24 preferred alternatives intended to continue the process of restoring natural resources and services injured or lost as a result of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The Draft RP1/EA evaluates Habitat Projects on Federally Managed Lands at Gulf Islands National Seashore (FL) and St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge; Nutrient Reduction projects in Pensacola Bay, Perdido River and Lower Suwannee River Watersheds; projects that restore Water Quality in Pensacola Bay Watershed, Carpenter Creek, Pensacola Beach, Rattlesnake Bluff Road, Alligator Lake, St. Andrew Bay, City of Port St. Joe, City of Carrabelle, Lower Suwanee National Wildlife Refuge and Charlotte Harbor; and projects that Provide and Enhance Recreation Opportunities in Perdido River, Carpenter Creek, Gulf Islands National Seashore (FL), Joe’s Bayou, St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge and the following state parks: Topsail Hill Preserve, Camp Helen, St. Andrews, and T.H. Stone Memorial St. Joseph Peninsula. Additional information can be found at: