
The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) gives notice that it is initiating rulemaking to amend its rules as required by Section 373.4131, F.S., which became effective on July 1, 2012. This statute requires the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in coordination with the five water management districts (WMDs) to develop statewide environmental permitting (ERP) rules. DEP’s proposed rulemaking for Chapter 62-330 will include provisions currently addressed in SFWMD’s Chapters 40E-0, 40E-1, 40E-4, 40E-40, 40E-41 and 40E-400, and will necessitate amendments to SFWMD Chapters 40E-0, 40E-1, 40E-4, 40E-40, 40E-41 and 40E-400, F.A.C., and its existing Basis of Review. Therefore, the purpose of this rule development is to revise or repeal SFWMD’s rule 40E-0.113, F.A.C., to be consistent with DEP’s adoption of statewide ERP rules in Chapter 62-330, F.A.C.