
To meet the requirements of Sections 538.09(2) and 538.25(1), F.S., and provide the information necessary for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to complete a state and federal criminal history record check, fingerprints are now required to be submitted electronically. In addition, effective July 1, 2012, Section 1, Chapter 2012-179, L.O.F., requires any person purchasing, consigning, or trading secondhand goods at a flea market to register as a secondhand dealer and limits the exemption from the registration requirement for auction businesses to only those businesses engaged in buying and selling estates, business inventory, surplus merchandise, or liquidations. The purpose of the proposed amendments to Rule Chapter 12A-17, F.A.C. (Registration as Secondhand Dealer or Secondary Metals Recycler), is to update the registration requirements for secondhand dealers and secondary metals recyclers.