
The proposed amendments to Rule 12A-19.010, F.A.C. (Registration), and Rule 12A-19.041, F.A.C. (Sales of Communications Services to a Residential Household), update the references from “cable service” to “video service.” The proposed amendments to Rule 12A-19.041, F.A.C. (Sales of Communications Services to a Residential Household), update the references from “cable service” to “video service” and to remove “roominghouses” as an example of a transient public lodging establishment. The proposed amendments to Rule 12A-19.070, F.A.C. (Assignment of Service Addresses to Local Taxing Jurisdictions; Liability for Errors; Avoidance of Liability Through Use of Specified Methods; Reduction in Collection Allowance for Failure to Use Specified Methods), incorporate the provisions of Chapter 2012-70, L.O.F. The proposed amendments to Rule 12A-19.100, F.A.C. (Public Use Forms), incorporate the provisions of Chapter 2012-70, L.O.F., and adopt, by reference, updates to the tax returns to include local communications services tax rates that will become effective January 1, 2013.