
Rule 68B-2.006, F.A.C., (Restricted Species License Exemption) would be added to allow an income exemption from the restricted species endorsement qualification requirements for honorably discharged veterans. The income requirements would be waived for resident veterans honorably discharged between September 11, 2001, and June 30, 2014, who apply for an SPL with an RS endorsement between implementation of the rule and June 30, 2014. After June 30, 2014, the draft rule provides a one year waiver for the income requirement for resident veterans who apply for an SPL and an RS within four years of honorable discharge. The draft rule would also waive the income requirements for one year for any honorably discharged military veteran certified to be at least 10% permanently disabled from service related disabilities. In all subsequent years, a veteran with disabilities will only be required to provide proof of $2,500 in income from the sale of saltwater products instead of the current requirement of $5,000 or 25% of income.