
Okaloosa County will hold a public meeting for the P.J. Adams Parkway project between State Road (SR) 85 and Interstate 10 (I-10) for a length of 2.5 miles. The meeting will be an open house format. Okaloosa County and consultant staff will be available to explain the project at display boards. There will not be a formal presentation. Maps, drawings, and other project information will be on display. County representatives will be available to discuss proposed improvements, answer questions, and receive comments. This meeting is being conducted to give interested persons an opportunity to express their views concerning the proposed roadway and drainage improvements including the possible addition of noise walls along portions of the roadway. The objective of the project is to widen P.J. Adams Parkway from two to four lanes in a divided urban typical section consisting of two 12-foot travel lanes in each direction, a four-foot bike lane on each side, and a six-foot sidewalk on each side, separated by a 22-foot median. Four stormwater pond sites are proposed with a closed storm drain system, and seven culvert crossings. The roadway currently occupies a 100-foot right-of-way. The proposed right-of-way will vary from 125 – 160 feet and additional right-of-way will be required for the stormwater pond sites. The entire project will take place in 4 phases during the Fall, 2016 through Spring, 2018.