The Chief Financial Officer receives unclaimed funds pursuant to Sections 43.19, 732.107, 733.816 and 744.534, F.S. Petitions for funds held pursuant to Sections 43.19, 732.107, 733.816 and 744.534, F.S., are to be filed initially with the court that directed the deposit of the funds with the Chief Financial Officer. The petition must be served on either the state attorney of the circuit where the court is situated or the Department of Legal Affairs. If the court that directed the deposit of the funds with the Chief Financial Officer grants the petition, the claimant or claimant’s representative may file a claim for the funds on a form to be established by the proposed rule. If the claim is approved, payment for funds reported pursuant to Sections 43.19 and 744.534, F.S., will be made to the ultimate beneficiary, as provided by Section 215.965, Florida Statutes. Payment for funds reported pursuant to Sections 732.107 and 733.816, F.S., will be made to the ultimate beneficiary unless the claimant assigns the right to receive payment and submits the original assignment simultaneously with the claim form.