The meeting agenda will consist of approval of minutes of the State Board meeting held July 14, 2009, and updates on various reports and status of education initiatives by the Chairman and Commissioner. Items for consideration include amendments to the following rules: Rule 6A-1.09412, F.A.C., Course Requirements – Grades K-12 Basic and Adult Secondary Programs; Rule 6A-1.09981, F.A.C., Implementation of Florida’s System of School Improvement and Accountability; Rule 6A-4.0012, F.A.C., Application Information; Rule 6A-6.0970, F.A.C., John M. McKay Scholarship for Students with Disabilities Program; Rule 6A-6.0981, F.A.C., School District Virtual Instruction Program; Rules of the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind: Rule 6D-7.006, F.A.C., Student Progression Plan and Requirements for Graduation; Rule 6D-8.002, F.A.C., Food Service Staff; and Rule 6D-8.003, F.A.C., Food Service Responsibilities. Other items for consideration include: Approval of 2010-2011 Legislative Budget Request and Fixed Capital Outlay Budget; Charter School Appeal: Sunrise Community Charter School vs. School Board of Broward County; Approval of Designation of Academically High Performing School Districts; Adoption of Resolutions Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Not Exceeding $155,100,000 State of Florida, Full Faith and Credit, State Board of Education Public Education Capital Outlay Bonds, 2009 Series; and Adoption of Resolutions Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Not Exceeding $540,000,000 State of Florida, Full Faith and Credit, State Board of Education Public Education Capital Outlay Refunding Bonds, 2009 Series [to be determined] and the Issuance and Sale of Additional Refunding Bonds Not Exceeding $500,000,000 Prior to September 15, 2010. The Presentations to be provided will include: Harnessing the Power of Technology 3.0, Educator Preparation and Common Student Performance Standards.