
The purpose of these rule amendments are to update the referenced rules as necessary, including the following revisions: Rule 6A-6.0900 - update list of rules applicable to ESOL programs and to add recently adopted rules to the existing list; Rule 6A-6.09022 - update references to the statewide standardized assessment (formerly FCAT) and the statewide English Language Proficiency Assessment; make necessary changes in grammar to clarify the deadline for re-evaluation of a student’s progress towards English language proficiency for purposes of extension of services; Rule 6A-6.0905 - clarify the Department’s obligation to consider objections by any school district parent leadership councils representing parents of English Language Learners (ELLs) to any district ELL plan under Department review; revise requirement to submit the district ELL plan via an online template to instead require submission on an incorporated form; and Rule 6A-6.0909 - update references to the statewide standardized assessment (formerly FCAT) and the statewide English Language Proficiency Assessment; remove exemption option for school districts to have ESOL-endorsed instructors if they have fewer than ten ELLs within a radius of 20 miles of a given school or attendance zone, whichever is larger.