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Ref-01819 Elected Officers Enrollment Form- 10-12
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Updated Elected Officers Enrollment Form
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State Board of Administration
D19. Departmental
Updated Elected Officers Enrollment Form
Related Rules
19-11.006 Enrollment Procedures for New Hires
Related Notices
12189134.To amend Rule 19-11.001, F.A.C., to provide that a “distributee” may include a non-spouse beneficiary; that an eligible retirement plan may include a Roth IRA or annuity; and that distributions consisting of after-tax employee contributions not includible in gross income may be transferred only to certain specified accounts or annuities. The definitions are being updated in response to a recently-issued Internal Revenue Service determination letter for the FRS Investment Plan. The rule also is being revised to include updated statutory citations. To amend Rule 19-11.002, F.A.C., to indicate the latest revisions of the enrollment and second election forms, and to make some minor technical revisions. To amend Rule 19-11.003, F.A.C., to provide that a distributee may elect to have any portion of an eligible rollover distribution directly paid to an eligible retirement plan. The rule as is being amended to update the dates set forth in the examples regarding invalid distributions and to indicate that documentation of a distribution made prior to August 30, 2007 will be produced for a special service charge where retrieval is possible. To amend Rule 19-11.005, F.A.C. to make a minor technical revision. To amend Rules 19-11.006, F.A.C., to provide that eligible State and Local Senior Managers that are eligible to enroll in the Senior Manager Service Annuity Program may enroll in the FRS Investment Plan by submitting an enrollment form; and to adopt the latest versions of the enrollment forms. To amend Rule 19-11.007, F.A.C., to adopt the latest versions of the second election enrollment forms. To amend Rule 19-11.011, F.A.C., to make some technical revisions for clarification. To amend Rule 19-11.012, F.A.C., to adopt the latest versions of the rollover forms; and to make some minor technical revisions.
13857728.For Rules 19-11.002, 19-11.006 and 19-11.007, F.A.C., to adopt revised enrollment forms and second election enrollment forms that will provide additional disclosures concerning the funded status of the FRS Pension Plan, the fact that employer contributions to the FRS can vary, and the 8 year vesting requirement of the FRS Pension Plan. Rule 19-11.012, F.A.C., is being amended to clarify the circumstances under which rollovers cannot be accepted by the FRS Investment Plan.