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Ref-02344 DC3-2004 Job Search Log
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DC3-2004 Job Search Log for Rule 33-302.110
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Department of Corrections
D33. Departmental
DC3-2004 Job Search Log for Rule 33-302.110
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12981236.The purpose and effect of the proposed rule is to make some formatting changes to Form DC3-2026, Supervision Report, and to change the payment methods for offenders on supervision. This requires replacing Form DC2-350 with Form DC2-364 and revising Form NI1-118.
13764608.The purpose and effect of the proposed rule is to revise three forms, Form DC3-2026, Supervision Report, Form DC2-364, Money Order Deposit Form for Restitution & Court-Ordered Payments, and Form NI1-118, Instructions for Payment. Form DC3-2026 is being revised to make formatting change to eliminate the check box for no change to the Residence, Email, Employment, and Student sections of the form; to add fields for home phone number and cellular phone number; to add a field in the Employment section for the supervisor’s name; and a formatting change to move the payment instructions down under the under the special condition section. Form DC2-364 is being revised to make some formatting changes and to add an additional telephone number. Form NI1-118 is being revised to remove the sentence that prohibits the use of photocopied versions of Form DC2-364.
13959869.The purpose and effect of the proposed rule is to revise three forms, Form DC3-2026, Supervision Report, Form DC2-364, Money Order Deposit Form for Restitution & Court-Ordered Payments, and Form NI1-118, Instructions for Payment. Form DC3-2026 is being revised to make formatting change to eliminate the check box for no change to the Residence, Email, Employment, and Student sections of the form; to add fields for home phone number and cellular phone number; to add a field in the Employment section for the supervisor’s name; and a formatting change to move the payment instructions down under the under the special condition section. Form DC2-364 is being revised to make some formatting changes, include some additional information on ways to pay, and to add an additional telephone number. Form NI1-118 is being revised to remove the sentence that prohibits the use of photocopied versions of Form DC2-364.