Ref-02520 Rule 68A-4.009, FAC (August 23, 2012)
010 4a3-Rule 68A-4 009 1.doc
Related Notices
- 12792959.Section 373.4131, F.S., created by Chapter 2012-94, Laws of Florida, and effective July 1, 2012, requires the Department (DEP), in coordination with the five Water Management Districts (WMDs), to develop statewide environmental resource permitting (ERP) rules under Part IV of Chapter 373, F.S., regulating the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, repair, abandonment, and removal of stormwater management systems, dams, impoundments, reservoirs, appurtenant works or works, or combinations thereof. DEP proposes to substantially amend the existing Chapter 62-330, F.A.C., and add new rules to it that will serve as the primary statewide rule chapter governing the ERP program. Pursuant to Section 373.4131, F.S., this rule chapter will be implemented by DEP, and will apply to the WMDs, and local governments delegated under Section 373.441, F.S., without the need for further rulemaking by the WMDs and local governments. This rulemaking will achieve a more consistent, effective, and streamlined approach to implement the ERP program. The new rules also will reduce regulatory costs and burdens for the public while preserving environmental standards and continuing to protect the state’s water resources.
- 13386502.Purpose and Implementation, Regulated Activities, Procedures for Review and Agency Action on Exemption Requests, Exempt Activities, No-fee Noticed Exemptions for Construction, Operation, Maintenance, Alteration, Abandonment or Removal of Minor Silvicultural Surface Water Management Systems, General Permits — General, Individual Permits, Conceptual Approval Permits for Urban Infill or Redevelopment, Other Conceptual Approval Permits, Content of Applications for Individual and Conceptual Approval Permits, Water Quality Certification and Costal Zone Consistency Concurrence, Fees, Processing of Individual and Conceptual Approval Permit Applications, Formal Determinations of the Landward Extent of Wetlands and Other Surface Waters, Conditions for Issuance of Individual and Conceptual Approval Permits, Additional Conditions for Issuance of Individual and Conceptual Approval Permits, Operation and Maintenance, Transfer of Permit Upon Change in Ownership or Control, General Conditions for Individual Permits, Emergency Authorizations and Actions, Variances, Policy and Purpose, Submittal and Processing of General Permits, General Conditions for All Noticed General Permits, Noticed General Permit for Dredging by the West Coast Inland Navigation District, Noticed General Permit for PUblic Navigation Channel and Canal Infrastructure by the West Coast Inland Navigation District within Lee County, General Permit for Construction, Alteration, Operation, and Maintenance of Boat Ramp Facilities, General Permit for Certain Piers and Associated Structures, General Permit for Floating Vessel Platforms and Floating Boat Lifts, General Permit for Installation of Riprap, General Permit for the Installation of Fences, General Permit to the Florida Department of Transportation, Counties and Municipalities for Minor Bridge Alteration, Replacement, Maintenance and Operation, General Permit to the Florida Department of Transportation, Counties, and Municipalities for Minor Activities Within Existing Rights-of-Way or Easements, General Permit for Construction, Alteration, and Operation of Urban Infill and Redevelopment Activities in Conformance with the Conceptual Approval Permit in Rule 62-330.056, F.A.C., General Permit to Counties, Municipalities, and other Agencies to Conduct Stormwater Retrofit Activities, General Permit for Installation, Maintenance, Repair, and Removal of Underground Cable, Conduit, or Pipeline, General Permit for the Construction of Aerial Pipeline, Cable, and Conduit Crossings of Certain Waters, General Permit for the Construction and Maintenance of Electric Power Lines by Electric Utilities, General Permit for Relocation of Aerial Electric and Communication Lines Associated with Road Improvement Projects, General Permit for the Construction and Operation of Culverts and Associated Water Control Structures in Mosquito Control Impoundments by Governmental Mosquito Control Agencies, General Permit for Minor Activities, General Permit to the Department and Water Management Districts to Conduct Minor Activities, General Permit to the Department and Water Management Districts for Environmental Restoration or Enhancement, General Permit to the Department and Water Management Districts to Change Operating Schedules for Water Control Structures, General Permit to Governmental Entities for Certain Public Use Facilities at Public Natural Areas, General Permit for the Reclamation of Eligible Phosphate Lands Mined Before July 1, 1975, Noticed General Permit for Prospecting, General Permit to Perform Prospecting Activities for Phosphate Minerals, General Permit for Temporary Dragline Crossings of Waterways, General Permit for Low Water Crossings, General Permit for Dry Borrow Pits of Less than Five Acres, General Permit for Temporary Agricultural Activities within the South Florida Water Management District, General Permit to the U.S. Forest Service for Minor Works within National Forests, General Permit for the Construction of Artificial Reefs, General Permit for Installation and Maintenance of Intake and Discharge Pipes Associated with Marine Bivalve Facilities, General Permit to U.S. Army Corpors of Engineers for Environmental Restoration or Enhancement Activities, General Permit to Governmental Entities for Limited Environmental Restoration or Enhancement Activities, General Permit for the Restoration, Establishment and Enhancement of low profile Oyster Habitat, General Permit for Soil Remediation