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Ref-00420 General EZ Enrollment Form- zlegislative update
15 ELE-EZ General Enrollment Form-leg updates- Rev 07-11.pdf
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State Board of Administration
D19. Departmental
Related Notices
10107805.To amend Rule 19-11.001, F.A.C., to include all pertinent definitions contained in Rule Chapters 19-11, 19-12 and 19-13, F.A.C.; to adopt the latest versions of an enrollment form in view of new legislation (Senate Bill 2100, Chapter 2011-68, Laws of Florida) requiring employee contributions to the Florida Retirement System; to remove unnecessary provisions in Rules 19-11.006 and 19-11.007, F.A.C., as such information is fully set forth in the applicable forms; to create new Rule 19-11.011, F.A.C. to consolidate contributions provisions currently in Rules 19-11.001, 19-12.003 and 19-12.004, F.A.C., and add new information pertaining to employee contributions pursuant to Senate Bill 2100, Chapter 2011-68, Laws of Florida.
11483653.To amend Rule 19-11.001, F.A.C., to include all pertinent definitions contained in Rule Chapters 19-11, 19-12 and 19-13, F.A.C., and to update such information. To amend Rule 19-11.002, F.A.C., to set forth information on distributions to beneficiaries currently set forth in Rule 19-11.003, F.A.C., to clarify, update, and detail such information; to set forth the requirements for distributions to minors when the amount will be in excess of $15,000, and to discuss disclaimers made by beneficiaries. To amend Rule 19-11.003, F.A.C. to update information on invalid distributions, and to remove information on distributions to beneficiaries that is more appropriately set forth in Rule 19-11.002, F.A.C. To amend Rule 19-11.004, F.A.C. to update information concerning excessive trading and to adopt the latest version of the paper trading form. To amend Rule 19-11.005, F.A.C. to update information concerning complaint procedures. To amend Rules 19-11.006, F.A.C. and Rule 19-11.007, F.A.C., to adopt the latest versions of the enrollment forms and second election enrollment forms and to remove unnecessary provisions in the rules, as such information is fully set forth in the adopted applicable forms. To amend Rule 19-11.008, F.A.C., to clarify information concerning forfeitures and to add information to indicate that a beneficiary who unlawfully and intentionally kills or procures the death of a member forfeits all rights to the member’s benefits. To amend Rule 19-11.009, F.A.C., to clarify information on reemployment with an FRS-covered employer. Rule 19-11.011 is being created to consolidate contributions provisions currently in Rules 19-11.001, 19-12.003 and 19-12.004, F.A.C., and add information pertaining to employee contributions. Rule 19-11.012, F.A.C. is being created to set forth information about rollovers currently set forth in Rule 19-12.007, F.A.C., in anticipation of the repeal of Chapter 19-12, F.A.C., to update and clarify such information, and to adopt forms for members to use when rolling qualified funds into the Investment Plan.