Ref-00720 OIR-B1-1802

2011-10-21 OIR-B1-1802 Final.doc
For Rule 69O-170.0155   10/25/2011
Revised 04-13-2012 1802 REVISIONS APPROVED 12 6 11.doc
The footer on pages 2-4 correctly reads: This verification form is valid for up to five (5) years, provided no material changes have been made to the structure or inaccuracies found on the form. We have corrected the first page to reflect the proper language.   4/19/2012
OIR-B1-1802 Final2011-10-21.doc
Please make the following technical change(s) to Form OIR-B1-1802(Rev 01/12), as adopted by Rule 69O-170.0155, F.A.C: On page 4 of the form, the following sentence has a misspelled word: Individuals other than licensed contractors licensed under Section 489.111, Florida Statutes, or professional engineer licensed under Section 471.015, Florida Statues, must inspect the structures personally and not through employees or other persons. Please note that Florida Statutes in “under Section 471.015” is spelled “Statues. Please correct the spelling to “Statutes” This change is to correct a clerical error , and will have no substantive effect   4/10/2014