Ref-02509 Form 62-330.417(2) Agreement to Maintain Public Access and Operate Stormwater System  

62-330 417 2 access sw sys.doc
62-330 417 2 access sw sys 10-1-13.doc
Add effective date of form to footer.   1/21/2014
62-330 417 2 access sw sys.docx
Technical changes: reformat "Return to:" section from designated lines by adding direction as "(Insert name and address of WMD or DEP)"; in 1., deleted "Noticed" to correct name of Rule; in 5., abbreviated to "F.A.C."; in 6., added a comma; in witness section, changed "Permittee Name" to "Printed/Typed Name"; corrected the notary block to read "and that he/she" to match other forms; corrected witness statement to delete "the" and "of"; added "Printed/Typed" Name (deleted "and Title"), and moved "Title" to next line; updated agency logo for NWFWMD.   11/23/2016