Ref-03084 DBPR Form CO 6000-2, Developer/Condominium Filing Statement  

DBPR Form CO 6000-2.doc
Developer/Condominium Filing Statement   8/8/2013
DBPR Form CO 6000-2 effective 101613.doc
The form is identical except for the header on each page. The reference to "Law Implemented" was changed to "Law Incorporated"   10/1/2013
DBPR Form CO 6000-2 eff 101613 with technical changes.doc
Page 1, Item 2 - Removed duplicate request for Telephone number. Page 2, Item 8 - Added period at end of line before comma. (F.S.,) Page 3, Item 12 - reformatted Yes__No___ to line up with other collums. Page 3, Item 13 - Removed comma and added period before ?. (F.S.?) Page 3, Item 21 - Removed No. 19 and replaced it with No. 20. When form was adopted we had added a new question No. 18 which caused a renumbering of subsequent questions. Question 19 was changed to 20 and this question should have been renumbered at that time.   11/6/2013