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Ref-03171 DS-DE 39 Florida Voter Regisration Application
Voter Reg App - DS-DE 39 - adoption.doc
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Department of State
1S. Division of Elections
Related Rules
1S-2.040 Statewide Uniform Voter Registration Application
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22156951.The proposed changes are to conform to statutory changes in Chapter 2019-162, Laws of Florida, which amends sections 97.052 and 97.053, Florida Statutes. The law requires three separate affirmation boxes relating to felony conviction status for purposes of voter registration eligibility on Form DS-DE 39. To accommodate the additional wording, other small changes are being made to the form, primarily in spacing to accommodate the additional affirmation boxes.
23156051.The proposed changes are to conform to statutory changes requiring three separate affirmation boxes relating to felony conviction status for purposes of voter registration eligibility on Form DS-DE 39. An additional box is added for completeness. Other changes are also made in response to comments provided in rulemaking and to accommodate the additional wording. Rule text is updated to reflect various ways to obtain a voter registration application.
25651376.The proposed changes are to conform the language in the Statewide Voter Registration Application to statutory changes in chapter 2022-73, Laws of Florida, providing addition information to the applicant about collection ....
26906556.The proposed changes are to conform the language in the Statewide Voter Registration Application to statutory changes in chapter 2022-73 and 2023-120 Laws of Florida, providing addition information to the applicant about ....
27845807.The proposed changes are to conform the language in the Statewide Voter Registration Application to statutory changes in chapter 2022-73 and 2023-120 Laws of Florida, providing addition information to the applicant about ....
27846001.The proposed changes are to conform the language in the Statewide Voter Registration Application to statutory changes in chapter 2022-73 and 2023-120 Laws of Florida, providing addition information to the applicant about ....