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Ref-03326 Form 62-555.360(13)
Cross-Connection Control Program Annual Report
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Department of Environmental Protection
D62. Departmental
Cross-Connection Control Program Annual Report
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13703692.These rules are being amended to significantly reduce the overall regulatory burden of cross-connection control requirements on community water systems (CWSs) and their residential customers by: (1) allowing a dual check device to be used as backflow protection at residential service connections from CWSs to premises where there is any type of auxiliary or reclaimed water system; and (2) allowing biennial instead of annual testing of backflow preventer assemblies required at residential service connections from CWSs. Also, these rules are being amended to clarify, and thus, achieve more consistent compliance with, cross-connection control requirements for public water systems (PWSs). Furthermore, these rules are being amended to require large CWSs—i.e., CWSs serving more than 10,000 persons—to submit cross-connection control program annual reports using a brief new two-page form. The new reporting requirement will be a slight additional burden on large CWSs, but the annual reports will enable the Department to better ascertain the operational adequacy of large CWSs and more efficiently conduct sanitary surveys of large CWSs. (About 91% of the Florida residents who obtain their drinking water from a CWS are served by a large CWS even though large CWSs comprise only about 14% of the total number of CWSs in Florida.)