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Ref-06476 Form MCSA-5876, Medical Examiner’s Certificate
Form used determine if someone is physically capable of operating the vehicle.
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Department of Education
6A. State Board of Education
Form used determine if someone is physically capable of operating the vehicle.
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6A-3.0141 Employment of School Bus Operators
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18073833.School bus operator training occurs at the local level. This amendment removes the requirement for the Commissioner of Education to provide a certification for school bus operator training. The amendment also specifies that a person with a medical variance, exemption or waiver issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) be recognized as physically capable of operating a school bus.
22019696.: To add certified cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training and first aid training to preservice training requirements for school bus operators; allow CPR and first aid training hours to count towards the required eight hours of annual in-service training; removes the language that prohibits a certified medical examiner from specifying a waiver or exemption from the physical qualification standards in 49 CFR 391.41; and changes the name of the Automated School Bus Driver’s License Record Check System to Motor Vehicle Operator Tracking and Reporting System (MOTRS).