Ref-08440 CJSTC-67A; Academy Physical Fitness Standards Report; Rule 11B-35.001(9)(b)
CJSTC-67A; Academy Physical Fitness Standards Report; Rule 11B-35.001(9)(b)
- CJSTC-67A; Academy Physical Fitness Standards Report; Rule 11B-35.001(9)(b)
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- 20192313.Subsections 11B-35.001(7)-(16), F.A.C.: Renumbers the paragraphs of Rule 11B-35.001(7)-(16), F.A.C., because new paragraphs were added to the requirements and specifications section. Subsections 11B-35.001(7)-(9), F.A.C.: Provides an official list of active Commission-approved courses on a public web page that will be available to the training schools and instructors. Removes specific names of courses and training programs from rule and provides for the CJSTC to be more responsive to legislative changes and new trends in developing and implementing new officer training. Paragraph 11B-35.001(10)(b), F.A.C.: Updates the rule reference. Paragraph 11B-35.001(10)(c), F.A.C.: Updates the rule reference. Paragraph 11B-35.001(10)(d), F.A.C.: Provides instructors and agencies public web page access to an official list of specialized courses and instructor courses that require an end-of-course examination. Removes specific names of courses and training programs from rule and provides for the CJSTC to be more responsive to legislative changes and new trends in developing and implementing new officer training. Sub-paragraphs 11B-35.001(10)(d)1.-10., F.A.C.: Removes the Specialized Training Program Courses. Paragraph 11B-35.001(11)(b), F.A.C.: Makes reference to the basic recruit programs by type rather than by the specific name, which is subject to change; and clarifies that the Academy Physical Fitness Standards Report form CJSTC-67A is not required for Law Enforcement Auxiliary or Cross-Over programs. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.001(11)(d)8., F.A.C.: Incorporates the revised Instructor Exemption, form CJSTC-82, to change the rule reference and update the certification statement to ensure the training center director or designee is aware of their responsibility to verify individual meets the eligibility requirements. Subsection 11B-35.001(12), F.A.C.: Updates the rule reference. Paragraph 11B-35.001(12)(c), F.A.C.: Updates the rule reference. Paragraph 11B-35.001(13)(a), F.A.C.: Updates the rule reference. Paragraph 11B-35.001(13)(b), F.A.C.: Updates the rule reference. Subsection 11B-35.001(14), F.A.C.: Updates the rule reference. Paragraph 11B-35.001(15)(b), F.A.C.: Specifies that a physical examination is not required for cross-over basic recruit training programs. Subsection 11B-35.001(17), F.A.C.: Establishes procedures for implementing the field test of significant changes to the basic recruit training program CMS Criminal Justice Defensive Tactics Course. Paragraph 11B-35.0011(1)(b), F.A.C.: Removes rule reference that no longer applies. Subsections 11B-35.002(1)-(5), F.A.C.: Updates the statutory references to include all impacted training programs and removes specific names of courses from rule and provides for the CJSTC to be more responsive to legislative changes and new trends in developing and implementing new officer training. Paragraphs 11B-35.002(6)(a)-(b), F.A.C.: Specifies that a four-year requirement is established for basic recruits to complete a basic recruit program, pass the State Officer Certification Examination (SOCE), and become employed and certified even after a program is officially retired. Paragraph 11B-35.002(6)(c), F.A.C.: Specifies that students who entered into a basic recruit training program and have not completed the program at the time that it is retired, are still eligible to complete the program, provided they completed the training within four years of the beginning date. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.002(6)(c)1.-10., F.A.C.: Identifies the basic recruit training programs that are still eligible for completion by basic recruits currently enrolled or previously enrolled for a period up to 4 years after the training programs are retired. Paragraphs 11B-35.002(1)(a)-(c), F.A.C.: Deletes the specific listing of basic recruit training programs by name that are still eligible for completion by basic recruits for a period up to 4 years after the training programs are retired. Paragraphs 11B-35.002(2)(a)-(6), F.A.C.: Removes unnecessary rule language and deletes the specific listing of basic recruit training programs by name that are still eligible for completion by basic recruits for a period up to 4 years after the training programs are retired. Paragraphs 11B-35.002(6)(a)-(f), F.A.C.: Removes unnecessary rule language and deletes the specific listing of basic recruit training programs by name that are still eligible for completion by basic recruits for a period up to 4 years after the training programs are retired. Subsections 11B-35.003(2)-(5), F.A.C.: Removes the specific names of courses and training programs from rule and provides for the CJSTC to be more responsive to legislative changes and new trends in developing and implementing new officer training; and updates the rule reference. Subsections 11B-35.003(6)-(8), F.A.C.: Removes the specific names of courses and training programs from rule. Paragraph 11B-35.006(1)(b), F.A.C.: Removes specific names of Advanced Training Program Courses eligible for salary incentive. Subsections 11B-35.006(2)-(7), F.A.C.: Adds rule text to clarify officers who are eligible for salary incentive payment, renumbers the paragraphs, and updates the subparagraph rule reference. Subsections 11B-35.007(3)-(5), F.A.C.: Makes available to instructors and agencies on public web page an official list of Advanced Training Program Courses. Removes specific names of courses and training programs from rule and provides for the CJSTC to be more responsive to legislative changes and new trends in developing and implementing new officer training. Subsection 11B-35.009(5), F.A.C.: Incorporates the revised Exemption-From-Training, form CJSTC-76, to add a field for the applicant’s email address which provides another method of communication with the applicant. Subsection 11B-35.009(6), F.A.C.: Incorporates the revised Exemption-From-Training. Proficiency Demonstration, form CJSTC-76A, to update the instructions and allow training center directors to appoint a “designee” as an authorized signer on the form.
- 21676898.Paragraphs 11B-35.001(1)(b)-(d), F.A.C.: Renumbers the subparagraphs of Rule 11B-35.001(1), F.A.C., and implements the mandates of CS/HB 333 by adding the Special Operations Forces Training Programs as Commission-approved training programs. Subsection 11B-35.001(3), F.A.C.: Implements the mandates of CS/HB 333 to clarify that Commission-certified instructors are required to teach the Special Operations Forces Training Programs. Paragraph 11B-35.001(3)(b), F.A.C.: The defensive tactics curriculum was updated with different techniques which required new training for instructors. Subsections 11B-35.001(7)-(8), F.A.C.: Implements the mandates of CS/HB 333. Paragraph 11B-35.001(9)(a), F.A.C.: Implements the mandates of CS/HB 333. Paragraph 11B-35.001(10)(b), F.A.C.: Implements the mandates of CS/HB 333 by adding the Special Operations Forces Training Program as a Commission-approved training program. Paragraph 11B-35.001(10)(c), F.A.C.: Implements the mandates of CS/HB 333. Subsection 11B-35.001(11), F.A.C.: Implements the mandates of CS/HB 333. Paragraphs 11B-35.001(11)(a)-(b), F.A.C.: Implements the mandates of CS/HB 333. Paragraph 11B-35.001(11)(d), F.A.C.: Implements the mandates of CS/HB 333. Subsection 11B-35.001(12), F.A.C.: Adds the Special Operations Forces Training Program as a Commission-approved training program. Paragraph 11B-35.001(12)(c), F.A.C.: Implements the mandates of CS/HB 333. Sub-paragraph 11B-35.001(12)(c)2., F.A.C.: Implements the mandates of CS/HB 333. Paragraph 11B-35.001(13)(a), F.A.C.: Implements the mandates of CS/HB 333. Paragraph 11B-35.001(13)(b), F.A.C.: Implements the mandates of CS/HB 333. Subsection 11B-35.001(16), F.A.C.: Implements the mandates of CS/HB 333. Paragraph 11B-35.009(1)(h), F.A.C.: Revises the sentence structure to make the sections within this paragraph uniform. Paragraph 11B-35.009(1)(i), F.A.C.: Implements the mandates of CS/HB 333 by adding a definition for Special Operations Forces. Paragraph 11B-35.009(2)(c), F.A.C.: Implements the mandates of CS/HB 333 by adding Special Operations Forces service as a qualifier for an Equivalency of Training. Subsection 11B-35.009(3), F.A.C.: Clarifies the requirements that out-of-state and federal officers must meet when requesting an Equivalency of Training; and implements the mandates of CS/HB 333. Subsection 11B-35.009(4), F.A.C.: Implements the mandates of CS/HB 333. Subsections 11B-35.009(5)-(11), F.A.C.: Renumbers paragraphs 11B-35.009(5)-(11), F.A.C., to implement the mandates of CS/HB 333. Paragraphs 11B-35.009(5)(a)-(c), F.A.C.: Implements the training requirements and mandates of CS/HB 333. Subsection 11B-35.009(6), F.A.C.: Implements the mandates of CS/HB 333 by adding the documentation requirements for Special Operations Forces and adds training center as an entity allowed to approve an Equivalency of Training. Also incorporates the revised Exemption-From-Training, form CJSTC-76, to add the training requirements for Special Operations Forces. Subsection 11B-35.009(7), F.A.C.: Incorporates the revised Exemption-From-Training Proficiency Demonstration, form CJSTC-76A, to update the rule reference and update the instructions and allow training center directors to appoint a “designee” as an authorized signer on the form. Subsection 11B-35.009(8), F.A.C.: Implements the mandates of CS/HB 333 by adding training requirements for Special Operations Forces. Subsection 11B-35.009(10), F.A.C.: Implements the mandates of CS/HB 333 by defining the amount of time for a Special Operations Forces member who is exempt to gain employment.