11B-14.003. Authorized Salary Incentive Payments  

Effective on Tuesday, May 5, 2020
  • 1Full-time law enforcement, correctional, and correctional probation officers satisfying the certification requirements of Section 15943.13, F.S., 17who are not excluded from eligibility pursuant to Section 26943.22(4), F.S., 28shall be eligible to participate in the Salary Incentive Program.

    38(1) Pursuant to Section 42943.22(2)(a), F.S., 44the sum of $25 each month for basic salary incentive payments shall be paid to a full-time law enforcement, or a concurrently certified officer who was initially certified and employed as a law enforcement officer before July 1, 1980. Additionally, upon the reactivation of certification, an individual eligible as specified in this subsection shall again be entitled to basic salary incentive payments. A correctional or correctional probation officer shall not be entitled to basic salary incentive payments, regardless of their employment or certification date.

    128(2) Pursuant to Sections 132943.22(2)(b) 133and (c), F.S., the maximum amount of educational salary incentive payments an officer may receive shall be limited to $80 each month for a bachelor or higher degree. Full-time officers who possess an associate degree or equivalent, or a higher degree from an accredited post-secondary institution, are eligible for educational salary incentive payments. However, state officers whose job class specifications require a four-year degree are not eligible to receive educational salary incentive payment pursuant to Section 209943.22(2)(e), F.S. 211Pursuant to Section 214943.22, F.S., 216the employing agency is responsible for verifying that the accrediting association is recognized.

    229(3) Section 231943.22(1)(c), F.S., 233defines an associate college degree or equivalent as “graduation from an accredited community college or successful completion of 60 semester hours or 90 quarter hours and eligibility to receive an associate degree.” To qualify for educational salary incentive payment, a letter from the awarding institution shall be submitted to the employing agency, defined in Section 288943.10, F.S., 290stating that the hours completed by the officer are equivalent to a two-year degree and would qualify the officer for a degree if the institution had a two-year degree program.

    320(4) Pursuant to Section 324943.22(2)(d), F.S., 326officers shall receive the sum of $20 each month for each successfully completed 80-hour unit of Commission-approved Advanced or Career Development Training, which has been verified by the employing agency, defined in Section 359943.10, F.S., 361through the Commission’s ATMS. Commission staff shall recognize, only once, the successful completion of any specific training course for salary incentive payment. 383Officers who elect to use Commission-approved Advanced or Career Development Training Courses as credit toward a two or four year degree, for which the officer would receive educational salary incentive payment, shall not receive advanced or career development salary incentive payment for the same courses. Agencies shall review the educational transcripts submitted for educational salary incentive to ensure there is no duplication of payment.

    447(5) The maximum amount of salary incentive payments an officer is entitled to receive each month is based on the completion of the following Commission-approved training:

    473Commission-approved Training

    475Maximum Salary Incentive Payment

    479(a) Basic Recruit Training for law enforcement officers initially certified and employed before July 1, 1980.


    496(b) Career Development Training Program Courses on or before June 30, 1985

    508$120 maximum

    510Advanced Training Program Courses on or after July 1, 1985

    520Federal or Private Training

    524(c) Educational Training, if applicable

    529$30 for a two-year degree

    534$80 for a four-year degree

    539(d) Combination of Training and Education

    545$130 maximum

    547Rulemaking Authority 549943.03(4), 550943.12(1), 551943.22(2)(h) FS. 553Law Implemented 555943.22 FS. 557History–New 9-11-79, Amended 1-13-81, 5-16-83, 9-1-83, 4-26-84, 1-7-85, Formerly 11B-14.03, Amended 7-13-87, 1-2-97, 7-7-99, 8-22-00, 11-5-02, 11-30-04, 3-21-07, 3-13-13, 5-5-20.