11B-20.0016. Inspection of Instructor Certification Applications  

Effective on Thursday, June 20, 2024
  • 1(1) For instructor applicants who have not been certified by the Commission and who have met the certification requirements set forth in Rules 2411B-20.001 25and 2611B-20.0014, 27F.A.C., the employing training center director, agency administrator, or designee shall:

    38(a) Collect the Instructor Certification Application form CJSTC-71 and verify the instructor meets the requirements of paragraph 5511B-20.001(2)(c), 56F.A.C. Verify the instructor’s professional expertise, pursuant with Rules 6511B-20.001 66and 6711B-20.0014, 68F.A.C., for the specific certification being requested. Form CJSTC-71 and required documentation shall be maintained in the instructor’s training file at the training school or agency.

    94(b) Sign the instructor application after the instructor applicant has completed a satisfactory internship.

    108(c) Electronically transmit the information to Commission staff on form CJSTC-71, through the Commission’s ATMS.

    123(2) If the instructor applicant’s file at the training school or agency 135is missing documentation or 139contains deficient documentation, the instructor applicant and the training school or agency shall be notified of such documentation on the Instructor Certification Deficiency Notification, form CJSTC-271, revised August 10, 2023, effective 6/2024, hereby incorporated by reference 175http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-16655177. Form CJSTC-271 can be obtained at the following FDLE Internet address189: 190http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/CJSTC/Publications/Forms.aspx, 191or by contacting Commission staff at 197(850)410-8615.

    198(3) The effective date of the instructor certification shall be the date the application is approved by Commission staff. Application for additional instructor certification topics shall be made pursuant to Rules 22911B-20.001 230and 23111B-20.0014, 232F.A.C. An instructor’s renewal date shall not change with the addition of instructor certification topics. Any additional instructor certification topics applied for within six months of the instructor’s renewal deadline shall automatically renew on the renewal deadline.

    269(4) The instructor applicant shall satisfy the deficiency(s) by submitting the required documentation to Commission staff within 90 days of the receipt of the Instructor Certification Deficiency Notification form CJSTC-271. The Commission has the authority to grant or deny the instructor applicant’s certification for failure to meet the 90-day requirement. Upon denial of the application, the instructor applicant may reapply for certification.

    331Rulemaking Authority 333120.60(1), 334943.03(4), 335943.12(1), 336943.14(3) FS. 338Law Implemented 340120.60(1), 341943.12(3), 342(9), 343943.14(3) FS. 345History–New 7-29-01, Amended 11-5-02, 11-30-04, 3-27-06, 6-9-08, 3-13-13, 7-29-15, 9-4-16, 6-20-24.