1(1) In addition to the statutory authority granted by Section 11213.21(4), F.S., 13the Executive Director of the Department has authority to enter into agreements with taxpayers for scheduling payments for 31outstanding liabilities33under authority granted by the Governor and Cabinet as the head of the Department.
47(2) The Executive Director of the Department 54is 55a56utho57r58i59z60e61d to issue64a65d66e67l68e69g70a71tion of 73authority 74s75e76tting77f78o79r80th those82positions 83a84utho85r86i87z88e89d 90to enter into stipulated time payment agreements with taxpayers under Section 101213.21(4), F.S.103Any104su105c106h d108e109l110e111g112a113tion114will be in writing, signed by the Executive Director. Copies of written delegations of authority are maintained on file with the agency clerk in the Office of General Counsel.