12D-9.026. Procedures for Conducting a Hearing by Electronic Media  

Effective on Tuesday, March 30, 2010
  • 1(1) Hearings conducted by electronic media shall occur only under the conditions set forth in this rule section.

    19(a) The board must approve and have available the necessary equipment and procedures.

    32(b) The special magistrate, if one is used, must agree in each case to the electronic hearing.

    49(c) The board must reasonably accommodate parties that have hardship or lack necessary equipment or ability to access equipment. The board must provide a physical location at which a party may appear, if requested.

    83(2) For any hearing conducted by electronic media, the board shall ensure that all equipment is adequate and functional for allowing clear communication among the participants and for creating the hearing records required by law. The board procedures shall specify the time period within which a party must request to appear at a hearing by electronic media.

    140(3) Consistent with board equipment and procedures:

    147(a) Any party may request to appear at a hearing before a board or special magistrate, using telephonic or other electronic media. If the board or special magistrate allows a party to appear by telephone, all members of the board in the hearing or the special magistrate must be physically present in the hearing room. Unless required by other provisions of state or federal law, the board clerk need not comply with such a request if such telephonic or electronic media are not reasonably available.

    232(b) The parties must also all agree on the methods for swearing witnesses, presenting evidence, and placing testimony on the record. Such methods must comply with the provisions of this rule chapter. The agreement of the parties must include which parties must appear by telephonic or other electronic media, and which parties will be present in the hearing room.

    291(4) Such hearings must be open to the public either by providing the ability for interested members of the public to join the hearing electronically or to monitor the hearing at the location of the board or special magistrate.

    330Rulemaking Authority 332194.011(5), 333194.034(1), 334195.027(1), 335213.06(1) FS. 337Law Implemented 339194.011, 340194.032, 341194.034, 342195.035, 343195.022, 344195.084, 345213.05 FS. 347History–New 3-30-10.


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