14-26.007. Liability of Permittee  

Effective on Monday, February 1, 2010
  • 1Permits are granted with the specific understanding that the permittee shall be responsible and liable for 17any damage to state roadways and structures24. The permittee shall hold blameless and harmless and shall indemnify the State of Florida, Department of Transportation and members thereof, its officers, agents and employees against any and all claims, demands, loss, injury, damage, actions and costs of actions whatsoever, which they or any of them may sustain by reason of any and all acts of omission or commission arising in any manner out of the issuance of the permit or the operation of the vehicle, load, or escort and load.

    106(1) In order to obtain a permit to operate a vehicle or combination of vehicles and load in excess of the legal height, length, width, 131or weight limitations of Section 136316.515 137or 138316.535, F.S., 140the permittee will be required to have one of the following:

    151(a) Insurance in the amount of $100,000 per person and $200,000 per accident or occurrence for property damage; or.

    172(b) A bond in the amount of $100,000 per person and $200,000 per accident or occurrence made payable to State of Florida.

    196(2) Permittees obtaining and operating a commercial motor vehicle as defined in Section 209207.002(2), F.S., 211shall be required to comply with the minimum insurance requirements of Section 223627.7415, F.S.

    225Rulemaking Authority 227316.550, 228334.044(2) FS. 230Law Implemented 232316.535, 233316.550, 234316.560 FS. 236History–New 8-26-82, Formerly 14-26.07, Amended 9-15-87, Repromulgated 4-22-92, Amended 6-23-96, 2-1-10.


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