14-51.053. Installation  

Effective on Tuesday, January 12, 2016
  • 1(1) Pedestrian wayfinding signs that are designed as a part of a community wayfinding guide sign system plan are intended to provide direction to pedestrians or other users of a sidewalk or other roadside area and should be located to minimize their conspicuity to vehicular traffic. If used, such signs should be located as far as practical from the street, such as at the far edge of the sidewalk. Where locating such signs farther from the roadway is not practical, the pedestrian wayfinding signs shall have their conspicuity to vehicular traffic minimized by employing one or a combination of the following methods:

    103(a) Locating signs away from intersections where high-priority traffic control devices are present.

    116(b) Facing the pedestrian message toward the sidewalk and away from the street.

    129(c) Cantilevering the sign over the sidewalk if the pedestrian wayfinding sign is mounted at a height consistent with vehicular traffic signs, removing the pedestrian wayfinding signs from the line of sight in a sequence of vehicular signs.

    167(2) To minimize their conspicuity to vehicular traffic during nighttime conditions, pedestrian wayfinding signs shall not be retro-reflective.

    185(3) The intent of pedestrian wayfinding signs is to provide guidance and navigation information to local cultural, historical, recreational, and tourist activities. No destination shall be displayed for the purpose of advertising.

    217Rulemaking Authority 219316.0745 FS. 221Law Implemented 223316.0745 FS. 225History–New 11-24-11, Amended 1-12-16.


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