14-97.005. Review and Modification of Access Control Classifications

Effective on Wednesday, October 7, 2009
  • 1(1) The Department will review access control classifications for specific segments of the SHS in consideration of the criteria listed in Section 23335.188, F.S. 25Roadside development does not, in and of itself, necessarily constitute a reason to lower the access control classification. If reclassification of a roadway segment is necessary, the Department shall, p55rior to any change in classification, notify the 63affected governmental entities regarding the proposed reclassification and publish 72its intent to reclassify in a local newspaper of general circulation. The Department will hold a public 89meeting in the affected county, if requested, to seek comments on the proposed reclassification103. The Department shall coordinate with, and will take into consideration, comments or concerns of the affected governmental entities and123/or members of the public regarding the reclassification131. The Department will notify the affected governmental entities of the final determination on the reclassification action(s).

    148(2) A written request may be made to the appropriate Department District Secretary that the Department review the access control classification of any specific segment(s) of the SHS. Such written request shall specify why the change of access control classification is sought, the desired 192access classification, and justification for the access classification change, 201based on the standards and criteria contained in 209Section 210335.188, F.S., 212and in this rule chapter217. The Department shall consider such requests, coordinating with the affected governmental entities and shall deny the request or publish notice of the Department’s intent to reclassify the roadway segment(s) 247in a local newspaper of general circulation. If requested, the Department will hold a 261public meeting.

    263Rulemaking Authority 265334.044(2), 266335.182, 267335.184, 268335.188 FS. 270Law Implemented 272334.044(10)(a), 273335.182, 274335.188 FS. 276History–New 2-13-91, Amended 10-7-09.


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