15A-10.011. Board of Directors or Advisory Committee  

Effective on Tuesday, March 4, 1997
  • 1(1) Not-for-profit corporations.

    4(a) The DUI program shall have a Board of Directors.

    14(b) Programs which are operated by a multipurpose corporation shall appoint an advisory committee.

    28(c) The Board of Directors, must:

    341. Meet at least quarterly.

    392. Ensure compliance with state and federal laws and regulations.

    493. Ensure no voting member of the Board of Directors is a paid employee of the program.

    66(d) If an advisory committee is utilized, it must:

    751. Meet at least quarterly.

    802. Report to Board of Directors and the DUI program following each meeting.

    933. Ensure no voting member of the advisory committee is a paid employee of the program.

    109(2) Governmental Entities.

    112(a) Shall have a Board of Directors or advisory committee.

    122(b) If a board of directors is utilized, the board shall meet the requirements of paragraph (1)(c) above and if an advisory committee is utilized, it must meet the requirements of subparagraphs (1)(d)1.-3. above.

    156Rulemaking Authority 158322.02, 159322.292, 160322.293 FS. 162Law Implemented 164322.292, 165322.293 FS. 167History–New 1-4-95, Amended 3-4-97.


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