20-61.0071. Determination of Pounds of Orange Solids  

Effective on Tuesday, October 20, 1992
  • 1(1) For purposes of reporting under Rule 820-63.001, 9F.A.C., pounds of orange solids shall be determined in the following way:

    21For oranges, mandarins and hybrids, reported pounds of solids shall be the state test house yield calculated as follows: Divide the sample pounds juice weight extracted by the FMC 091B extractor by the pounds sample fruit weight and multiply the result by the equivalent box weight for oranges. The resulting pounds juice per box is then multiplied by the total brix measurement as determined by Westphal balance or brix hydrometer corrected to 20º centigrade and expressed as a decimal.


    101(Juice weight ÷ sample weight) × 90 pounds

    109box = pound juice per box.

    115Pounds juice per box × total brix = pounds

    124solids per box.

    127(2) The pound solids determination made under this rule may be used whenever the seller and buyer mutually agree, as the trading unit for the oranges being sold.

    155Rulemaking Authority 157601.10(1), 158(7) FS. Law Implemented 162601.02(5) FS. 164History–New 1-1-82, Amended 6-1-82, 9-1-82, 8-30-83, 10-24-84, Formerly 20-61.071, Amended 10-20-92.


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