20-81.005. Proof of Performance; Claim for Payment  

Effective on Sunday, October 22, 1995
  • 1Any claim from participant for support from Department shall be on Value-Added Promotion Program Agreement/Invoice form CIT/MKTG/VAP1 Rev. 8/1/95, incorporated herein by reference, furnished by the Department. Claims shall be in sufficient detail to allow for proper post audit and pre-audit thereof and shall have the following items attached:

    50(1) Proof that product promoted is eligible product as provided in Rule 6220-81.002, 63F.A.C.

    64(2) Proof of advertising or merchandising activities for Florida and/or Florida Quality products described in VAP Agreement such as photos, tear sheets, slicks, scripts, station affidavits or other competent proof that performance was rendered.

    98Specific Authority 100601.15 FS. 102Law Implemented 104601.15 FS. 106History–New 3-12-92, Amended 10-22-95.


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