25-22.061. Stay Pending Judicial Review  

Effective on Thursday, October 2, 2014
  • 1(1) When the order being appealed involves the refund of moneys to customers or a decrease in rates charged to customers, the Commission shall, upon motion filed by the utility or company affected, grant a stay pending judicial proceedings. The stay shall be conditioned upon the posting of good and sufficient bond, the posting of a corporate undertaking, or such other conditions as the Commission finds appropriate to secure the revenues collected by the utility subject to refund.

    79(2) Except as provided in subsection (1), a party seeking to stay a final or nonfinal order of the Commission pending judicial review may file a motion with the Commission, which has authority to grant, modify, or deny such relief. A stay pending review granted pursuant to this subsection may be conditioned upon the posting of a good and sufficient bond or corporate undertaking, other conditions relevant to the order being stayed, or both. In determining whether to grant a stay, the Commission may, among other things, consider:

    167(a) Whether the petitioner has demonstrated a likelihood of success on the merits on appeal;

    182(b) Whether the petitioner has demonstrated a likelihood of sustaining irreparable harm if the stay is not granted; and

    201(c) Whether the delay in implementing the order will likely cause substantial harm or be contrary to the public interest if the stay is granted.

    226(3) When a stay is conditioned upon the posting of a bond, corporate undertaking, or other appropriate form of surety, the Commission shall at the time it grants the stay set the rate of interest to be paid by the utility or company pursuant to subsection 27225-6.109(4), 273F.A.C., for electric public utilities, subsection 27925-7.091(4), 280F.A.C., for gas public utilities, and subsection 28725-30.360(4), 288F.A.C., for water and wastewater utilities in the event that the Court’s decision requires a refund to customers.

    306(4) Motions filed pursuant to this rule shall be heard by those Commissioners who were on the deciding panel for the order being appealed.

    330Rulemaking Authority 332350.127(2), 333366.05(1), 334368.05(2) FS. 336Law Implemented 338120.68(3), 339350.01(5), 340366.05(1), 341366.06(1), 342367.011(2), 343367.081(2), 344367.0814, 345367.121(1)(g), 346368.05(2) FS. 348History–New 2-1-82, Formerly 25-22.61, Amended 6-27-10, 10-2-14.


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