25-6.0442. Customer Participation  

Effective on Sunday, March 4, 1990
  • 1(1) Any customer located within the geographic area in question shall have an opportunity to present oral or written communications in commission proceedings to approve territorial agreements or resolve territorial disputes. If the commission proposes to consider such material, then all parties shall be given a reasonable opportunity to cross-examine or challenge or rebut it.

    56(2) Any substantially affected customer shall have the right to intervene in such proceedings.

    70(3) In any Commission proceeding to approve a territorial agreement or resolve a territorial dispute, the Commission shall give notice of the proceeding in the manner provided by Rule 9925-22.0405, 100F.A.C.

    101Rulemaking Authority 103366.05(1) FS. 105Law Implemented 107366.04(2), 108(4), 109366.05(7) FS. 111History–New 3-4-90.


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